Growing up I heard many stories from my family about weekends they spent up in Idyllwild at the cabin. A lot of those stories for some reason I feel like they ended up in the ER, hahaha so luckily that was not the case for this weekend. My grandpa told me he was excited for us to experience what he felt was God’s Country.
And it sure did not disappoint! Granted California has had an odd year of weather, but that’s what added such a fun element to the trip! We even got snow!!!! Does Mother Nature even know it’s almost June?! Saturday when we hiked around Mt San Jacinto State Park it was a foggy and misty day, it reminded me of our Rainy Honeymoon Trip to Yosemite so I was feeling all the feels!
This was a trip for the books, it was 6 adults, 3 kids, and 3 dogs in one cabin along Strawberry Creek! This trip was filled with so much laughter, it was so good for the soul! Seriously just whisk me away to the mountains with good people, hiking, great times, tall pines, and my husband! This girl’s heart is full! I highly recommend running away to Idyllwild for the weekend, you won’t regret it!
Idyllwild Tips & Recommendations